L'actualité de la formation

Accueil de chercheurs sur les projets soutenus

La fondation propose l'accueil de chercheurs et scientifiques de haut niveau, internationalement reconnus pour des séjours de quelques mois ou plus, ainsi que des post-doctorants pour de plus longs séjours...

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Bourse Amelia Earhart

La fondation STAE est partenaire dans l'attribution des bourses "Zonta Amelia Earhart Fellowship"

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Optim 2013

Recent Advances on Optimization

July 24-26, 2013

Toulouse, France

General information

An international conference on optimization will be organized under the umbrella of a research programme supported by the RTRA STAE Foundation in Toulouse on July 24-26th 2013.
The conference will address topics in unconstrained and constrained optimization, with and without
derivatives. It will be also the occasion to celebrate the many contributions made by Philippe L. Toint to the field. A half-day session  related to the data assimilation ADTAO project (Algorithmes de nouvelle
génération pour l’assimilation de Données dans le système Terre  Atmosphère Océan) will be organized. Contributed talks and posters  related to the topics of the conference are welcome, and will be put  into the programme as far as schedule constraints allow it. 
This event is co-sponsored by CERFACS, INPT, IRIT.

Confirmed invited speakers

  • Stefania Bellavia  - University of Florence (Italy)
  • Andrew Conn  - IBM's  T.J. Watson Research Center (USA)
  • John Dennis  - Rice University (USA)
  • Andreas Griewank   - Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany)
  • Michael Kocvara  - The University of Birmingham (UK)
  • Jorge More  - Argonne National Laboratory (USA)
  • Benedetta Morini  - University of Florence (Italy)
  • Jorge Nocedal - Northwestern University (USA)
  • Michael Powell - Cambridge University (UK)
  • Annick Sartenaer  - University of Namur  (Belgium)
  • Mike Saunders - Stanford University (USA)
  • Katya Scheinberg, Lehigh University (USA)
  • Luis Nunes Vicente - University of Coimbra (Portugal)
  • Ya-xiang Yuan - Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
  • Stephen Wright  - University of Wisconsin (USA)


  01.01.2013: Online registration open
  15.03.2013: Due date for contributed presentations
  Deadline for titles and abstracts for presentations of 30 minutes at most (although you can offer a shorter  talk if you wish) is March 15th.
  Please use the following template file to submit your contribution and send it to Xavier Vasseur.
  30.03.2013: Due date for poster presentations
  15.04.2013: Notification of acceptance
  15.05.2013: Registration deadline


There is no registration fee, however registration is mandatory.
Registration information (name, firstname, affiliation) should be sent directly to Brigitte Yzel.
The deadline for doing this is 15 May 2013.

Scientific committee

Coralia Cartis - University of Edinburgh (UK)
Nick Gould     - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK)
Serge Gratton  - University of Toulouse, CERFACS and IRIT (France)
Bijan Mohammadi - CERFACS (France)

Local Organization Committee

Serge Gratton   - University of Toulouse, INPT, CERFACS and IRIT
Odile Jankowiak - RTRA STAE
Xavier Vasseur  - CERFACS
Brigitte Yzel   - CERFACS

Practical information

For smaller budgets, it is also possible to book a room or studio (only for couples) at the Ecole Nationale de la Météorologie located on the Météo-France campus a stone's throw from CERFACS. The fee for a room is 14 € per night. Other information on the rooms : 15 square meters with a bathroom, sheets and blankets supplied, bathroom linen not supplied.
Requests for accomodations should be sent to Brigitte Yzel and will be handled on a first come first served basis since a limited amount of very low cost accommodation is available on site at the Meteo residences.

Kitchen and toilets are in the communal area and the Météo-France cafeteria located on the campus is open every day for breakfast (around 4 €) and dinner (around 8 €).


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